Just days ago, I friend challenged me and said that he could access my voicemail messaging service from his phone. I simply replied, "there's no way!" Minutes later, he had accessed my voicemail and was listening to the 4 saved messages from people that had left messages over the past month.
What is phone spoofing? According to wikipedia, "Spoofing is the practice of causing the telephone network to display a number on the recipient's caller ID display which is not that of the actual originating station." For example, let's say there are 3 parties involved. You are party A. Party A decided to call party B using party C's phone number. Party C has no understanding that his or her number is being used, or spoofed, to call party B. To me, it's like a pranking service, and all seems very dangerous.
I was appalled when I knew my friend could access my voicemail. Instantly I thought, "This is a breach of security." This here is a federal offense because for one you are accessing someone elses personal/private information without consent. So, how do you get away from having your voicemail accessed? Simply set a password for your voicemail. Though it may be inconvenient for you in the short run, it's better and safer, and offers more privacy in the long run.
There are many sites out there that offer this spoofing service for free, or you can even pay for it after a few uses of the service. Some sites do not allow you to access other people's voicemail accounts, but there are other sites that don't have this feature blocked. Again, if you don't have a password for your voicemail account, GET ONE! It will better protect you in the long run.
Need more information on this? Google around and see what you can find.
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